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"We all have different gifts, so we all have different ways of saying to the world who we are."

— Mr. Rogers

creating Artists

Each week, your child will learn a new musical or dramatic theme called a “Spotlight Skill”. Parents are encouraged to work on these themes alongside their children to learn and grow together.

Stellar Shows

Whether its a review, concert, or a musical, we put on excellent shows your child will be proud of. With hard work and a lot of fun, your child will be a star no matter what part they play!

Caring Environment

We want every child to be cared for and welcomed at ACT. Working together, making new friends, and having fun makes better shows and lasting memories!

Developing creative confidence.

Each rehearsal and show is an opportunity for your child to become more confident on stage and off. From practice to performance, your child will grow their abilities and gain confidence in themselves.

Learning lasting skills.

Musicianship doesn’t end when the show is over. Your child will learn musical theory and theatrical skills they can use long after curtain call.

Sign Up for Our Fall Session Today!